Thursday 20 February 2014

Chinon - Les Granges 2010

Chinon - Les Granges 2010

Bernard Baudry

I was given this fine Chinon to try by our French Food & Beverage manager, who is passionate about wine and is always keen to encourage my love of French wine. The wine had already been sampled but I was more than happy to enjoy the rest of the bottle at my leisure. I have always enjoyed the red wines produced in the Loire Valley, but they are not always easy to get here in the UK. As a family, we would regularly bring back bottles of Chinon from trips to France.

This was a lovely wine to enjoy on a leisurely Friday evening. It had great colour and a complexity of aromas that was surprising. Mixed with the soft fruit there was an almost contrasting aroma, a counterpoint, something with strong backbone (my beloved described as almost a rubber tyre smell). A real puzzle of a wine - but lovely to savour. It also has a large amount of sediment in the bottle, not something that is allowed in any supermarket specification. An original French wine; and a wine like this is a real pleasure to be puzzled by.

Mis en bouteille a la propriete.
EARL Bernard Baudry.
Cabernet Franc
Graviers Argilo Siliceux
Sols travailles sans utilisation des desherbants et d'engrais chimiques.
Vendange manuelle.

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